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A powerful and gentle message from spirit.
After spending time in ceremony and reflection with the full moon this week I had some questions that my heart needed answers for, deeply personal questions that would support the path of my families healing.
As some of you know, I left my partner of 11 years over a year ago now and with this comes a time of healing for all involved. A mending of broken hearts and a calling and remembering of all parts of ourselves to find their way home once again.
My children have been so resilient through the process but as a mother, you can see their deep unexpressed hurt over the loss of what they knew as family. My son Nalu has his quiet way of processing, he goes in and it takes time, presence and stillness for him to express his feelings. My daughter Akina is always full of expression and for her, she chooses outward emotions and the fight. Lately, the fight has become somewhat destructive and I needed to find a new way in, past the walls and back into her heart.
I asked spirit for guidance and what I have uncovered this week is something that I am truly grateful to share, a gift that has been given to me and I didn’t even realise until now the significance it has for our human race.
Spirit gave me the word DADARRI
I found that dadirri is an aboriginal word meaning, inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. It is a 'tuning in' experience with the specific aim to come to a deeper understanding of the beauty of nature. Dadirri recognises the inner spirit that calls us to reflection and contemplation of the wonders of all of creation. It is a deep listening for truth beyond physical words and their logical meaning. It is the way to hear, with the soul.
After being totally blown away by what I was being shown I realised that this was exactly what I had been practising for the past year to heal myself.

After the separation of our family, I was looking for a new home for myself and my children, I knew it had to be a place of magic were we could come to heal and connect. When my friends home came up for rent I was instantly drawn to take a look. The house is tucked away in nature, surrounded by the sounds of the ocean, the trees and the animals. When I went to have a look for the first time I could feel the land calling me to listen, it was an instant sense of peace that I had not felt for a long time. At that moment I knew I was home.

After we moved in the land started to weave her magic, she was bringing me back to self, the more I listened the more I could hear and in the stillness and deep connection to the great mother I was able to start calling back all the pieces of myself. The long forgotten ones that had been discarded, the beautiful and creative ones and also the shamed and shunned ones, and through this process my channel to spirit came flooding back to me. I was starting to feel whole once more, I felt heard and held and I could again feel my connection to all of life.
Back then I was shown how to help Akina process her strong emotions, I was given a clear vision of her channel and the blockages and I was shown her greatest healing would come from her ability to find stillness in nature. I was guided to do an energy healing on her and for me, this was not something I had ever done before. I was told just trust, that I would know what to do when it was time. So one day when Akina was upset and there was no one else home we set her up all comfortable on the day bed outside. I brought my crystals and from there I was intuitively guided on the process. I must admit that it was a bit strange at first but my word was trust, so trust I did. After I finished, her beautiful and now calm and peaceful face arose with a smile that was shining with love. She looked at me and said mummy I feel really good. Mummy you are really good at this, you should do it for other people.
Looking back now this was spirits first attempt to show me how to practice Dadarri with my children and it was through my own fear and doubt of all the visions that I was being shown at the time that I slowly once again starting turning down my own channel to spirit.
Now with the stirrings of another full moon, and listening to the call of my heart I have been able to tap back into the stillness and through this, I know deeply what my family needs. This week Akina and I have started once more on the path of the deep connection with nature and with this, I can see her walls are coming down. The light is returning and our bond is being restored.

 Dadirri is a gift that not only my family needs but a gift that our whole planet needs. We as humans suffer through and cause so much trauma and this trauma is passed on through generations unless it is heard, healed and acknowledged. The greatest gift we can give to our children is to heal ourselves. 
Dadirri is something that needs to be taught and shared with all of us, the ability not only to listen deeply to nature and ourselves but to also listen deeply to others. To stop and to completely be present in the moment with someone, to bear witness to what they need to express with out judgment or opinion, or trying to fix and mend. Just to deeply listen. Through this, we can heal and through this healing, we can heal the land that is waiting for us to come back to our remembrance of what humans are on this planet for.
"I will listen to you, share with you, as you listen to, share with me… Our shared experiences are different, but in the inner deep listening to, and quiet, still awareness of each other, we learn and grow together. In this we create community, and our shared knowledge(s) and wisdom are expanded from our communication with each other." Judy Atkinson

This is a Ted Talk that explains beautifully how DADARRI can help our families, our country, our planet heal from the passed down trauma of generations past and present.

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